9 ways to teach kids the value of money at Christmas

9 ways to teach kids the value of money at Christmas

What’s the meaning of Christmas in your household? While it can sometimes feel like spending a small fortune on gifts and food is non-negotiable, it’s not the only option. And, if you have kids, the holidays are a great time to teach them about the value of money – while having a heap of fun along the way!

Be aware of the insurance implications of the early super release scheme

Be aware of the insurance implications of the early super release scheme

At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, the federal government announced a program allowing Australians in financial distress to withdraw up to $20,000 from their superannuation funds to help them cover their expenses during this difficult year.

Top tips for women to negotiate a pay rise

Top tips for women to negotiate a pay rise

Rachel’s recent performance appraisal didn’t go as planned. A professional woman with many years’ industry experience, her KPI’s confirm that she adds significant value to her workplace, and her expertise is highly regarded by management and peers alike. But, to her dismay, her pay rise request was denied and she left the appraisal feeling disappointed and unappreciated.

10 Steps to Squeaky Clean Spring Finances

10 Steps to Squeaky Clean Spring Finances

Spring in Melbourne is a strange time. Beautiful sun-filled days are often rudely interrupted by arctic blasts of torrential rain. Yet, as the scent of blossom teases us with the promise of summer, we find ourselves in the throes of spring cleaning our homes, weeding our gardens and cleaning the barbeque ready for the new year ahead.

[VIDEO] TruWealth Advice | COVID-19 message to clients

[VIDEO] TruWealth Advice | COVID-19 message to clients

The latest round of restrictions in Victoria have caused many of us to feel anxious, upset and angry as we navigate the impact they are having on our personal, family, work and financial lives. But the TruWealth team are here for you. While our office is shut until further notice, it’s business as usual! We are available to support you through our genuine and ongoing service, advice and care.