Where do we stand with our finances since COVID hit?

Where do we stand with our finances since COVID hit?

With our new FPA Money & Life Tracker: Covid edition survey, we explored how Australians are going with their finances in 2020. Find out just how many Australians are feeling the effects of COVID on their income, savings and how they’re changing their behaviour as a result. Plus, we share three things you can be doing to stay on top of money matters during this uncertain time.

10 Steps to Squeaky Clean Spring Finances

10 Steps to Squeaky Clean Spring Finances

Spring in Melbourne is a strange time. Beautiful sun-filled days are often rudely interrupted by arctic blasts of torrential rain. Yet, as the scent of blossom teases us with the promise of summer, we find ourselves in the throes of spring cleaning our homes, weeding our gardens and cleaning the barbeque ready for the new year ahead.

Main points in the 2020/21 federal budget

Main points in the 2020/21 federal budget

From budget night to June 20, 2022, businesses with a turnover up to $5 billion will be able to deduct the full cost of eligible depreciable assets of any value in the year they are installed. Loss ‘carry-back’ will also be available to around one million companies, with losses incurred up to 2021/22 carried back against profits made in or after 2018/19.

Early access not so super for women

Early access not so super for women

The COVID-19 crisis has seen many Australians taking steps to stay afloat with their finances. With women more likely than men to withdraw super to make up the shortfall in their income, what does this mean for their long term financial wellbeing? Fran Hughes CFP®, Head of Financial Solutions explores the reasons why a super withdrawal at this time could leave women financially vulnerable.