Australia’s Achilles’ heel – high household debt and rising interest rates…it’s not as bad as it looks, but it’s still an issue   Introduction   If Australia has an Achilles’ heel it’s the high level of household debt that has accompanied

If Australia has an Achilles’ heel it’s the high level of household debt that has accompanied surging home prices over the last 30 years. Of course, in the absence of a major trigger for debt servicing problems – either from a surge in unemployment or a surge in interest rates – it hasn’t so far caused a major problem for the economy.


   The plunge in shares & flow on to super – key things for investors to keep in mind during times of market turmoil   Introduction   Usually share markets are relatively calm and so don’t generate a lot of attention. But periodically th

Usually share markets are relatively calm and so don’t generate a lot of attention. But periodically they tumble and generate headlines like “billions wiped off share market” & “biggest share plunge since…” Sometimes it ends quickly and the market heads back up again and is forgotten about. But once every so often share markets keep falling for a while.