

   Following the crypto trail, illicit or not 



   Volatile cryptocurrencies are not for the faint-hearted.  Some buyers even have them tattooed.  The world’s dominant cryptocurrency Bitcoin is the most

Volatile cryptocurrencies are not for the faint-hearted.

Some buyers even have them tattooed.

The world’s dominant cryptocurrency Bitcoin is the most inked, according to research by industry platform Crypto Head.

Bitcoin is well ahead of second and third placegetters in the tattoo stakes – #dogecointattoo and #ethereumtattoo, according to the analysis of Instagram hashtags and Google search volumes.


   Calls for crypto regulation, education  With more than three million Australians owning cryptocurrency,  better education and market regulation are needed to avoid an increase  in cybercrime, a leading advisory body says.  Telstra’s chief

With more than three million Australians owning cryptocurrency, better education and market regulation are needed to avoid an increase in cybercrime, a leading advisory body says.

Telstra’s chief executive Andy Penn, who also chairs the federal government’s cyber security industry advisory committee, says many countries and networks are under constant attack due to more and better resourced cyber criminals.