Striking a Balance: How to Achieve Financial Independence and Enjoy It Too

Striving for financial independence is an important goal for many people, as it helps them focus and create concrete plans for their desired outcomes.

However, what happens after you achieve financial independence or FI?

Some actually find it difficult to transition from the achievement phase to the enjoyment phase. 

To ensure you make the most out of your newfound freedom, consider the following discussion on achieving and enjoying financial independence.

Achievement vs. enjoyment

Human nature drives people to pursue new achievements and improvements constantly. While this has been essential for humanity’s progress, it can hinder one’s ability to feel content and happy.

When you reach a significant goal like FI, you may struggle to slow down and enjoy the rewards because your mind is still stuck in goal-setting mode.

Transitioning from achievement to enjoyment

The key to enjoying financial independence lies in undergoing a mental transition.

You need to shift your mindset from constant goal-chasing to embracing the freedom and opportunities that FI provides. This doesn’t mean completely abandoning your goals, but rather finding a healthy balance between achievement and enjoyment.

The reality of financial independence

Contrary to what you may expect, early retirement might not be as exciting as it seems.

After an initial adjustment period, you may find yourself restless and searching for new goals or projects. This is normal, as our minds and bodies need time to recalibrate to a new way of living.

Embrace this period of transition and understand that the satisfaction of achieving FI may gradually evolve into a comforting sense of contentment.

Moving from achievement to enjoyment

To shift your focus successfully from achievement to enjoyment, consider the following:

  • Recognise and appreciate your unique position as someone who has achieved FI.

  • Give yourself permission to do whatever you want, whether that’s working or relaxing.

  • Cultivate mindfulness in your daily activities to appreciate the present.

Practising gratitude is also essential in making this mental transition. With more time and mental space available after achieving financial independence, you can work on cultivating gratitude and enhancing your overall sense of well-being.

Embracing a new way of life

After achieving financial independence, you may still yearn for a sense of purpose and usefulness. This means that even as you transition towards the enjoyment phase, further achievements are likely to follow. The key is to find a balance that allows you to enjoy a satisfying life, combining both achievement and enjoyment.

By approaching life with a new mindset, you can focus on meaningful activities and projects that genuinely interest you rather than solely pursuing new goals for the sake of filling your schedule or avoiding boredom. Doing this will allow you to enjoy your life more and make the most out of your financial freedom.

If this article has inspired you to think about your own unique situation and, more importantly, what you, your family or your business are going through right now, please contact your advice professional.

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(Feedsy Exclusive)