Family Finances: How to successfully talk to your partner about money

Stella and Sydney had a great life. They travelled around the world and had fulfilling well paid careers. But there was one thing that was getting in the way, they constantly argued about money or lack of it.

Stella loved shopping and spending money spontaneously made her feel better when faced with difficulties in her life. This frustrated Sydney so much, however he did not know how to raise it with her in fear that it would make things worse. So instead, they just argued.

That is when we came to the rescue.

Firstly, Stella and Sydney had to realise what was happening and take responsibility for their respective actions. We asked them to be honest and share what was really going on and what could happen if this arguing continued … one thing they agreed on is they didn’t want this to end up in divorce.

Secondly, we discussed what their aspirations and goals were as a couple, things they would need money for like buying a home, starting a family and enjoying their life. What they realised is they had only looked at money and spending from their own perspective not what they could achieve by working together towards common goals.

With this realisation, we developed a simple plan that allowed Stella and Sydney to better manage their spending their habits, keep each other accountable and enjoy life without arguing about money.

It saved their marriage.

Time: 1:30 min

Topics: Cashflow management,  family breakdown, saving, spending, money, cash,