The fastest and easiest way to link your myGov account to the ATO is to go to your myGov account and select ATO from the list of Services. You’ll need your tax file number and details from two tax documents – see Link your myGov account to the ATO.
Salary-sacrificing your super
7 steps successful women take before they retire
Why financial wellbeing is a pillar of good health
Financial wellbeing is often overlooked as one of the pillars of good health, but it’s every bit as important as your physical, mental and emotional health. Poor financial health has been linked to a range of nasty side effects like stress, depression, anxiety, sleeplessness, relationship break-down, drug and alcohol use to name a few. Yikes!
How to protect your mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic
Early super access extended to 31 December
JobKeeper extended
With the initial phase of the JobKeeper program due to conclude on 27 September 2020, yesterday the Government announced a second phase which will extend the program for an additional six months through to 28 March 2021. The MFAA welcomes this announcement and the extension of this important economic support measure.
How do I check my credit score?
Also known as your credit rating, your credit score is based on a report lenders request when you apply for a loan or credit card in your name only, or together with someone else. From store cards to home loans, your credit score is used by lenders to decide whether you can borrow money, how much and on what terms.
Tax savings separate from income: report
Dealing with financial stress during Covid-19 lockdown
In Victoria, we find ourselves back in lockdown for at least the next five weeks. While it involves working and schooling from home, lots of walking-for-exercise and, no doubt, the odd glass of stress-releasing wine, the obvious winners are the ‘Buy Now, Pay Later’ companies who have enjoyed a phenomenal run this year.
Where are all the women economists?
Why wellbeing isn’t just for the well-off
Superannuation 101: Your guide to a happy retirement
Financial counsellor or financial planner: What’s the difference?
Financial planning is all about developing strategies to build your wealth and reach your financial goals, such as achieving financial independence or having a comfortable retirement. A financial planner, sometimes called a financial adviser, will work with you to develop a financial plan and make suggestions on how to achieve it.
Australian Ethical lifts earnings guidance
[VIDEO] How do I get stable passive income?
COVID-19: Withdrawing super – what to consider
Although concern about money isn’t the only problem we’re grappling with, financial stress is likely to be on the rise, even among those of us who are generally pretty good at staying on top of our finances.