Work Bonus is an incentive for pensioners to work past retirement age. It allows pensioners to earn more from working each fortnight before their pension payment rate starts to reduce.
Last year’s stellar super fund returns near 15 per cent look unlikely to be repeated in 2020, but there’s still plenty that savers can do to polish their nest eggs. As always, there are superannuation rule changes this year, and it pays to give yourself a few simple checks.
Investment risk is the likelihood that you’ll lose some or all the money you’ve invested. This can be due to your investment falling in value or not performing how you expected. All assets carry investment risks — some are riskier than others.
SMSFs are often called ‘do-it-yourself funds’, but that isn’t really the case. Meet the people who you will have to work with or who can help you meet your obligations as an SMSF trustee in this ATO video.
We’re living longer and enjoying richer retirements, which means more money will be needed. But new research paints just how long you’ll need your cash reserves to last you.
From 1 January 2020, where an employee salary sacrifices part of their salary into superannuation contribution benefits, these superannuation contribution amounts will be subject to further 9.5 per cent superannuation contributions.