

   Investor housing loans at record high: Home value index – February    Housing loans for investors struck a record high in January, as new  figures showed the growth in Australian house prices was at its slowest  pace since October 2020.

Housing loans for investors struck a record high in January, as new figures showed the growth in Australian house prices was at its slowest pace since October 2020.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics said loans for housing rose 2.6 per cent in January to $33.7 billion.

Of these, owner-occupied mortgages rose one per cent to $22.7 billion, while investors home loans jumped 6.1 per cent to a record $11 billion.

Advice for parents with adult kids living at home

Advice for parents with adult kids living at home

Do you have adult children living with you? Thanks to housing affordability and stagnant wage growth, more kids are relying on Mum and Dad to keep a roof over their head well into their 20s and 30s. Get some advice on how to foster financial independence in your kids, so they’ll be ready to stand on their own two feet when they leave the nest at last.