
Oliver’s insights – Australian recession Q&A Why the worry? What’s the risk? And what would it mean for investors?

The past few weeks have seen lots of talk again about a recession – particularly in Australia. This has been a recurring theme over the last year or so but has intensified lately. But what’s driving it? How serious is the risk of recession? And what would it mean for Australians and investors?


    Oliver’s insights – RBA review   it’s not clear the proposed reforms will lead to a better outcome for the Australian economy   Key points    – The independent Review of the RBA has recommended a significant change in the way the RBA doe

The unveiling of the independent Review of the RBA – “An RBA fit the future” – has received much attention with talk of a radical overhaul of the RBA. However, there is a real risk in grossly exaggerating the problem and undertaking a big change at the RBA with unclear benefits. In particularly there is a danger in assuming the approach employed by some foreign central banks must be better than our own.