A man is not a plan!

A financial adviser’s response to ‘Get noticed by rich men’ A man is not a plan!

Recently, I unexpectedly came across 3 Simple Ways to Get Noticed by Rich Men, a fascinating, yet concerning, YouTube video by Anna Bey. With over half a million views and 12 thousand shares, it really made me think.

Initially, I was furious. After all, a man is not a plan!

I was horrified to hear the presenter teach women to attract the ‘right’ man to enable them to live in the lap of luxury. But, once I calmed down, I began to see the video in a different light.

Anna is an intelligent, beautiful woman. An ex-model she has used her brain, experience and industry knowledge to build herself a future. She’s created a series of online courses that generate income, and she potentially supplements that income through paid advertising and influencer perks. It’s actually quite impressive!

In some ways her message is valid. It is terribly important to care for our physical and mental wellbeing. Learning to be confident, strong and gracious is not a bad thing. What is disappointing is that she is espousing these values to women as a way to attract a man who will take care of them.

We live in a highly superficial world. From a young age, girls are encouraged to worry about their appearance and the need for social acceptance. Striving for ‘likes’ from peers is only a stepping stone to looking for that acceptance and support from a ‘rich man’ who can provide for every materialistic need. But what about our other desires? To live a balanced, happy life, working towards common goals, sharing love and respect with those around us. For many of us, it’s important to be financially self-sufficient, free to choose our own paths and not be reliant on anyone else for security.

Through my work with single women in all walks of life, I empower them to feel financially safe and in control of their financial future.

It’s a journey. A process of exploring and understanding what makes us tick. Through analysis of your strengths and weaknesses, we determine your blind spots and apply our new-found knowledge to the right financial strategy to enable you to build the life you want to live.

Strangely, this video carries a valid message - it is important to use what you’ve got to create a successful future. But what you’ve got is so much more than superficial beauty. Women are smart, strong, savvy people. You all have the potential to use your brains, knowledge and life experience to forge a secure financial future. But you certainly don’t need a ‘rich man’ to do it!

How do you define success? What financial goals do you have in place to secure your future and plan towards realising your dreams? Call Natallia to take the first step to financial strength and independence.