7 ways to reduce financial stress and find balance in your life

Relieving financial stress starts with changing your day-to-day habits. Here are seven simple tips to improve your financial wellbeing.

 Our relationship with finances can be complicated and stressful. We worry about money all the time. Can I afford to pay the bills? What happens if I can’t work? Will I be OK when I retire?

The way you talk to yourself is powerful. If you find managing your finances to be stressful and worrying, chances are you have a negative relationship with money. And, when you feel like this, it can be difficult to know the right thing to do.

So, how do you learn to make your money work for you?

It is possible to alter your mindset, conditioning and ongoing relationship with money. Understanding any negative connections will give you the power to change them. By recognising and shifting some basic behaviours, you will no longer be engaged in a daily battle of what you ‘should’ and ‘shouldn’t’ do with your finances.

Remember, every little positive action will make a difference to your financial success and happiness.

  1. Cash flow is the key

    Not knowing where your money is going is frightening. But it is easy to quickly get a better grasp of your financial world. Simply download a budgeting/ financial tracking app and start tracking your spending today. You’ll soon understand your finances on a deeper level – and easily see where you can make changes to save you money.

  2. Create a saving account
    If you’re saving for something special, then create a specific bank account and set up a direct transfer each pay cycle. This takes away the pressure to remember, plus you can easily see your savings increase. Most banks allow you to nickname your accounts, so call it ‘Trip to Europe’ or ‘My New Car’ to keep you focussed (and make you smile).

  3. Check your subscriptions
    Think about the direct debits being taken from your bank account and credit card. Netflix, Spotify, Stan, Foxtel, magazines, gym and club memberships – these regular payments all add up. Review your list and see if they are worth what they cost. If you don’t need it, stop the debit and free yourself of the ongoing guilt of paying for something you don’t use.

  4. Get organised
    Credit cards, bill payments, personal loans, etc can all incur hefty interest and late payment fees. It can be super frustrating to see your hard earned cash disappear into unnecessary fees and costs. Set up a system to keep track of your bills. Budget/personal finance apps are good for this but if you’d rather do it the old fashioned way, then it’s fine to maintain a simple calendar of due dates. The important thing is to stay in control and keep any extra charges away.

  5. Make your gas and electricity work for you
    Review your utilities (water, gas and electricity) to understand their payment system. Many providers now give you a significant discount if you pay early. (A family of six I know recently saved almost $350 by paying their electricity bill before the final due date.) Alternatively, speak to them and set up fortnightly payments so you’re not met with a huge bill every quarter. Pop a reminder in your calendar to make sure you pay on time.

  6. Smart supermarket shopping
    Have you ever stopped to really look at the labels on supermarket shelves? Written under the item price is a breakdown of the cost per 100g. Even if you’re in a hurry, all it takes is a quick glance to compare the prices of similar products and can see which one is cheaper. It’s pretty clever – and an easy way to save some cash when you’re shopping.

  7. Protect yourself
    Review your insurances. Check your existing car, home, contents, income, illness and life insurance policies to make sure you are properly covered. That way, if something goes wrong, you know you are protected and you can focus on recovery without the stress of financial loss.

By following these seven steps, you’ll start to gain a new relationship with money and be in a much stronger position to take the next step. During your ‘Clarity Session’ we talk through your financial goals and work together to create a plan built to complement your individual situation.

Reset your relationship to money and begin to live your best life. Contact Natallia to book a Clarity Session and improve your overall financial wellbeing.