Family Finances: Protect your assets in a new relationship or blended family

How to prevent mistakes (Natallia interviews Adrian Indonivo, Divorce Lawyer)

Natallia: Hi Adrian, we’ve got a lot of blended families out there where both spouses have children from previous relationships and sometimes those relationships don’t last. So what do we actually do to prevent any mistakes that could happen, how do we protect those kinds?

Adrian: Well I think Natallia getting good advice from the start is imperative, being fully informed, and making sure you go into this on the same page, preferably. So what that means also is, are we keeping what we’ve got separate, are we being full and frank about what we earn and what we have, or aren’t we?

Natallia: So talk about money because that’s what happens. we don’t like talking about money and when we don’t communicate this is where all of those hidden agendas potentially happen, and particularly when one party is more involved in their financial affairs and the other party does not really like spending time on really learning what to with their finances.

Adrian: Yea so typically, and I’m not being totally gender-biased here, but typically a lot of our female clients don’t have a really good understanding of what their partner earns or what they have, for example. But second time around, if you go into it, you need to have that conversation and you need to protect each other’s assets, I think, before you go into it.

Natallia: Yea, absolutely, that sounds great. Thank you.

Adrian: Thank you, Natallia.