But if you’re struggling to know where to start, financial adviser and author of On Your Own Two Feet, Helen Baker has three money questions everyone should ask themselves — and advice on how to turn things around if your answers are less than positive.
Financial rights & wellbeing for LGBTI couples
Since marriage equality was achieved in 2017, LGBTI people have had access to the same legal and financial rights as heterosexual married couples. Yet members of the LGBTI community still face some unique challenges when it comes to their financial wellbeing. So what do same sex couples need to know when it comes to planning their financial lives together?
Australia may avoid second recession
Australian GDP slowed in the June quarter & will be hit hard by the lockdowns – but here’s 7 reasons to look beyond the gloom
Budgeting for beginners: Five different methods that can help you manage your money
Wealth Planning Partners director Amanda Cassar said budgeting helps you get into the mindset that managing your money can help you down the track rather than just helping you meet your immediate needs and wants.
China’s growth slowdown and regulatory crackdown – what does it mean for China’s growth outlook?
After surging 65% from its coronavirus low in March 2020 to its high in February this year, the Chinese share market saw an 18% decline into July. This reflected concerns about policy tightening, the economic outlook and a regulatory crackdown on a range of industries, notably tech stocks and steel production, with the latter contributing to a plunge in the iron ore price.
June quarter GDP may not be so rosy
Tips For Remaining Resilient During Covid Lockdowns
Time spent out of employment is a major contributor to unequal levels of superannuation balances
Six reasons why shares are at or near record levels. But is it sustainable?
Economic growth shows signs of slowing
Saving for a rainy day
An Accountants perspective on the economic outlook
How to give your finances a health check
Great investment quotes for topsy turvy times
The current environment seems to be one of extreme uncertainty. We have seen a strong economic recovery from last year’s global and Australian recessions – but there are worries about the resurgence of coronavirus driven by the Delta variant, peak growth, peak monetary and fiscal stimulus, high inflation, and high debt levels.
Concern over young people’s mental health
Firms avoiding closure, concerns ahead
Majority back basic income to end poverty
More than three quarters of Australians believe there should be an unconditional basic income to keep people above the poverty line. A survey conducted by social welfare peak body Anglicare Australia found two in five people of the 1000 polled said it would put them in a more secure financial position.