The never-ending coronavirus pandemic – why snap lockdowns in Australia make sense until herd immunity is reached

The never-ending coronavirus pandemic – why snap lockdowns in Australia make sense until herd immunity is reached

News that I and many others were effectively in lockdown from Friday was depressing. It got even more depressing when the whole of Sydney and surrounds was put into a two-week lockdown on Saturday. And I am not in Victoria which has had it even worse over the last year, and I can only imagine how bad this must be for those looking forward to school holidays.

Supporting your kids, without sacrificing your own retirement

Supporting your kids, without sacrificing your own retirement

With careful planning, you can give a helping hand to your adult children financially, while still enjoying a comfortable retirement. In the past, wealth was often passed on through an inheritance. But with our longer lifespans, and the higher cost of living (especially housing), the desire to help our kids while we’re alive and well is increasing.

Pets enrich our lives – but what is the cost?

Pets enrich our lives – but what is the cost?

Sharing love with a pet brings unquantifiable joy. They become part of our family unit, improve our health and happiness and teach us valuable life lessons. In addition, studies show that children who care for pets have higher self-esteem and increased cognitive development and social skills. But there are financial costs involved to consider when you’re thinking about adding a dog, cat, or any other animal, to your family.

Cryptocurrency, or the art of buying what you don't understand: Editor's Views

Cryptocurrency, or the art of buying what you don't understand: Editor's Views

I did it. I bought some crypto. Not because I understand it, because I don't, or believe in the investment thesis (see previous statement), but just to know how it felt. Don't knock it until you try it. I liken it to trying the latest Instagram trend. At least now I can say that I tried it, and my interest has well and truly piqued.