9 ways to teach kids the value of money at Christmas

9 ways to teach kids the value of money at Christmas

What’s the meaning of Christmas in your household? While it can sometimes feel like spending a small fortune on gifts and food is non-negotiable, it’s not the only option. And, if you have kids, the holidays are a great time to teach them about the value of money – while having a heap of fun along the way!

U.S. election: Three possible scenarios, and ways investors could play them

U.S. election: Three possible scenarios, and ways investors could play them

With the U.S. Presidential election now less than a week away, many investors are currently considering how the potential result could impact their portfolios. While, as our Chief Economist David Bassanese noted in his U.S. Presidential election preview, markets ultimately learn to live with whomever the U.S. president is, the note below looks at the three most plausible outcomes and some implementation ideas based on their investment implications.

Top tips for women to negotiate a pay rise

Top tips for women to negotiate a pay rise

Rachel’s recent performance appraisal didn’t go as planned. A professional woman with many years’ industry experience, her KPI’s confirm that she adds significant value to her workplace, and her expertise is highly regarded by management and peers alike. But, to her dismay, her pay rise request was denied and she left the appraisal feeling disappointed and unappreciated.

Where do we stand with our finances since COVID hit?

Where do we stand with our finances since COVID hit?

With our new FPA Money & Life Tracker: Covid edition survey, we explored how Australians are going with their finances in 2020. Find out just how many Australians are feeling the effects of COVID on their income, savings and how they’re changing their behaviour as a result. Plus, we share three things you can be doing to stay on top of money matters during this uncertain time.

Market Update 22 May 2020

Market Update 22 May 2020

Major global share markets, with the exception of Chinese shares, rose solidly over the last week on optimism regarding the development of a vaccine for the coronavirus, reopening from lockdowns, dovish comments from US Federal Reserve (Fed) Chair Powell and moves towards a common bond in the eurozone, despite escalating US/China tensions seeing some of the gains reversed.

Light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel – what does it mean for investors?

Light at the end of the coronavirus tunnel – what does it mean for investors?

The blanket coverage of coronavirus and its impact on the economy can lead to a lot of confusion right now. Some reports are hopeful of anti-viral drugs, others say a vaccine is at least a year away. There is talk of curve flattening but still rising cases and deaths. There is news of an easing in lockdowns but also worries about “second waves”.