TRU Wealth Advice

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How to navigate Centrelink and apply for the Age Pension

March 19, 2021

Natallia Smith
(TruWealth Advice)


Navigating Centrelink is never easy. It’s even more difficult when you’re not tech-savvy, struggling with hearing and eyesight, or have been out of the ‘system’ for years. Deterred by the convoluted application process, many older women don’t apply, and miss out on the money and benefits they are entitled to.

Speaking to a client recently, I discovered she was unaware that she was eligible for the Age Pension, what age she qualified to receive it, or how to go through the online application process. Like many older women, she did not know where to start – and even when she did try, the process of obtaining a CRN, then using the My Gov website was overwhelming.

Once she had visited the local Centrelink office to get her CRN, we applied together (via Zoom). Even with my knowledge and understanding as a Financial Adviser, the application process was tedious and confusing for my client. But we got there in the end!


Age Pension Apply Online

In 2020, Centrelink changed the application rules for the Age Pension. You can no longer do it in person at their office; you must apply online. But (and this is the kicker for many older women) you can’t apply online if you don’t know or have a CRN.

Once you obtain your CRN, you then go through the application process via the MyGov website.

Age Pension Eligibility

Theoretically, you should apply to Centrelink when you reach the age and eligibility criteria, but many older women don’t know when they qualify.


Did you know you may be entitled to the Aged Pension even if you are still working?

Even if you receive only a small amount of money, you may be entitled to other benefits such as a concession card or reduced utilities charges. It all adds up – and the cents are much better in your pocket!


Age Pension Backdate Payments

An applicant for an aged pension can submit the online application for consideration up to 13 weeks before the relevant due date, i.e. their age eligibility date.


In the past, if a person applied after they reached the point of age and eligibility criteria, Centrelink backdated payments. But they changed the rules in mid-2018. Now, they only backdate the payments to when they receive a completed application. And they will only backdate in the following circumstances:

A vulnerable claimant can be a person who (at the time of contacting Centrelink) is:

  • subject to domestic or family violence

  • homeless

  • hospitalised

  • being released from prison or psychiatric confinement

  • experiencing high stress from a relationship breakdown

  • affected by the death of an immediate family member

  • the parent of a newborn dependent child

  • living or physically present in a remote place of residence


Ultimately, you need to be well-prepared. Otherwise, you could be missing out on the benefits and support you are entitled to receive. Remember, you’re not alone. Financial Advisers can help you navigate this process and ensure you are comfortable, happy and living your best financial life.

For more information about Age Pension eligibility and application, please contact TruWealth on 03 8648 6534 or email