TRU Wealth Advice

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Trauma does not need to be a life sentence: it’s important to seek help

April 9, 2021

Natallia Smith
(TruWealth Advice)


The effects of trauma are insidious and long-lasting. Recent years have seen Royal Commission investigations into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, Family Violence and Aged Care, to name a few. The findings, combined with the #MeToo movement and subsequent response to #NotAllMen, has triggered many women who have experienced abuse. Unresolved trauma remains in our bodies, hearts and minds and can affect all aspects of our lives, including our financial wellbeing.


Dr Janina Fisher (Trauma Specialist)  explains that ‘we carry trauma in our mind and body, and both can be damaged by not seeking help to manage the trauma’. 


Internalising vs Externalising trauma

To mitigate this damage, it is imperative that we seek help. A psychologist or counsellor can help us work through and understand our thoughts and reactions. They help combat our feelings of disempowerment and teach us how to defend ourselves against the impact of past abuse and the threat of any future harassment.


Many abused women continue to function effectively in their day-to-day lives. They keep going. In many cases, partners, children, friends and work colleagues don’t even know the trauma exists, let alone the depth of its effect on our psyches. But this is not a healthy state of affairs. Melbourne-based psychologist and family therapist, Pat Boyhan,  says, ‘Many women can get on with their lives, but continue to be triggered by the trauma they endured.’ By speaking to a psychologist or counsellor, women learn to ‘externalise’ their trauma, draw it out of their bodies and minds, and can begin to heal.


Whether we are talking about physical, emotional, sexual or financial abuse, our experiences as children and adults affect our self-worth. We don’t feel safe.


How Financial Advice can help to empower you

Professional assistance can help with specific areas. A financial advisor, for example, can work with clients to help them overcome the effects of past trauma on their financial understanding and situation. We aim to:

  • empower you to find control in your financial life

  • support you to achieve your goals and dreams

  • show you how to create the freedom to live the life you desire


All women deserve to feel safe. If you have experienced or are currently facing abuse, separation, divorce, grief or any other traumatic situation, please seek help. Trauma does not need to be a life sentence. You have the right to feel empowered, safe and worthy. As Pat recently explained, ‘We can never be the same as we were before experiencing the trauma, but we can learn to manage the aftermath.’


Should this resonate with you, please contact Natallia to take the first step to financial safety and empowerment.