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Surviving Lockdown: Natallia’s Top 10 reasons to stay positive

At the moment, every day brings something different. Good and bad news reports, kids’ home learning journeys, adults’ experiences working from home, volatile share markets, government restrictions, social media challenges – you name it, they have become part of our lives since Covid-19 became a household name a little over a month ago.

Lots of people are struggling. Life has changed. Jobs have been lost or income significantly reduced, our general freedom is restricted (albeit for a good cause) and couples and families are spending a LOT more time together than we did previously. While there certainly are positives to be found, in general, people are stressed as they learn to cope with the uncertainty of their new reality.

Right now, it is important to keep a long-term perspective.

So, here are 10 things that I like about being in lockdown.

  1. I see my children every day, all day. While this brings its own set of challenges, particularly in regard to home schooling with two parents also working from home, there are many positives to this enforced down-time for my family.

  2. I get lots of cuddles from them. Like most of us, we are a family usually busy with work, school and extra-curricular activities and, while we make time for cuddles, chats and love, at the moment I am blessed to have cuddles whenever my children or I want them. Big squeezy hugs are the best!

  3. We never rush anywhere and I’m not late. Living by the clock can be stressful. Relaxing the necessity for this benefits all of us in a myriad of ways.

  4. We exercise (almost) every day. Individually, or as a family, we are making time to exercise which is great for our physical and mental health, not to mention our family dynamic.

  5. I get to see what my kids are learning at school. It’s interesting to see the kids in action and be involved not only in what they are studying but how they are going about it. Listening to them interact with their peers and teachers is also pretty cool – I get to see a side of them I’m not usually aware of.

  6. I am never stuck in traffic. This is a big one for me as I’m usually rushing around and in fear of being late. The lack of commute has many bonuses – and while I do make good use of my time in the car, not being frustrated by traffic hold-ups certainly has its benefits.

  7. I spend less, save more and invest at cheap prices because the share market is down. While reduced wages and a volatile share market does bring a measure of unease and uncertainty, as a family we are definitely spending less and saving more. Luckily, as a Financial Adviser, I am aware of share market movements and can plan my decisions regarding investment. If you have money to invest – now is a good time to speak to your Adviser and start planning.

  8. I learn new things about myself and build resilience. Every single day, I learn something new, or handle a situation I haven’t come across before. I’m learning, my kids are learning and we are all developing a better understanding of ourselves and each other. Self-awareness is one of the keys to getting through these difficult days.

  9. I don’t experience ‘bad hair days’ or wardrobe disasters. I don’t spend all day in my pj’s, but I am enjoying being more relaxed with regard to hair, makeup and clothes, even for online meetings. Most people I talk to feel the same and it’s fun to chill a bit.

  10. I am getting better at teleconferencing. Developing new skills is important, particularly when it comes to running your own business. In the past I haven’t liked doing video calls and teleconferencing but now it’s become an unexpected way of life. And, as we all improve our online skills, we can see the time it saves us and enjoy this as a successful alternative to our previous ways of doing business.

Take some time to think about your life and what you are grateful for. What would your 10 positive things be today? Keeping a journal is a great way to focus on the positives and keep track of what you are enjoying this new life we are living.

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